Inability to Do Specific Job Not Substantial Impairment Under ADA

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a medical condition related to the working environment surrounding a specific job is not considered a substantial impairment on the employee’s ability to work. The case was brought by an employee who claimed he suffered discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) after he was fired due to poor job performance. The court agreed with the defendant that the inability to perform a single, specific job is not the same as having a substantial impairment on the ability to work entirely. Continue reading “Inability to Do Specific Job Not Substantial Impairment Under ADA”

EEOC Sues Jefferson City Hotel for Sexual Harassment

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed a lawsuit against the owners of a hotel in Jefferson City, MO for permitting a male room inspector to allegedly harass a female housekeeper. The suit alleges the inspector repeatedly made offensive sexual comments towards the housekeeper, and continuously made unwanted physical contact with her. The suit was brought because the owners of the hotel were apparently aware of the conduct but made no efforts to stop it. Continue reading “EEOC Sues Jefferson City Hotel for Sexual Harassment”

What is a Non-Compete Clause?

Employees may encounter “non-compete clauses” in their employment contracts. Often, they don’t even think about the problems before signing contracts containing such onerous clauses and bind themselves with devastating consequences. But what is a non-compete clause, and how could it help, or hurt, your employment? Continue reading “What is a Non-Compete Clause?”

I became an attorney because I want to make a difference in peoples’ lives by helping them when they experience a problem or require my professional expertise to maximize their claim or position in an employment or business matter.

-Andrew Ross Sack

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