Seven Signs of Possible Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

Whether you are an employer or an employee, you should be wary of any potential signs of employment discrimination, including racial discrimination. While these signs may sometimes be obvious, they can also be more subtle and difficult to notice, allowing it to continue for a shockingly long time without being addressed. Here are seven signs of possible racial discrimination you should watch out for:

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What is a “Captive Audience” Meeting, and Why Does it Matter?

Whether you are an employer or a worker, there is a chance that you may have considered the potential issues related to labor organizing. As part of those considerations, you may have run into something known as a “captive audience” meeting. But what exactly is a captive audience meeting, and why might it cause legal issues for business owners and employees?

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New DOL Rule Requires Greater Financial Disclosure from Unions

The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a new rule requiring labor unions to disclose more information about how union-controlled trusts allocate their money. The new rule, titled “Labor Organization Annual Financial Reports for Trusts in Which a Labor Organization Is Interested,” will affect any union with annual revenues exceeding $250,000, and will require in-depth disclosure of the trust’s expenses and investments. The goal of the new rule, according to the DOL, is to meet the requirements of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act. Continue reading “New DOL Rule Requires Greater Financial Disclosure from Unions”

I became an attorney because I want to make a difference in peoples’ lives by helping them when they experience a problem or require my professional expertise to maximize their claim or position in an employment or business matter.

-Andrew Ross Sack

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